STOC 2025 Accepted Papers

  • On the Locality of the Lovász Local Lemma
    Peter Davies-Peck (Durham University)

  • Universal SNARGs for NP from Proofs of Completeness
    Zhengzhong Jin (Northeastern); Yael Kalai (MIT and MSR); Alex Lombardi (Princeton); Surya Mathialagan (MIT)

  • Positive bias makes tensor-network contraction tractable
    Jiaqing Jiang, Jielun Chen (Caltech); Norbert Schuch (University of Vienna); Dominik Hangleiter (UC Berkeley)

  • High Rate Multivariate Polynomial Evaluation Codes
    Mrinal Kumar (TIFR); Harry Sha, Swastik Kopparty (University of Toronto)

  • On approximability of the Permanent of PSD matrices
    Farzam Ebrahimnejad (University of Washington); Ansh Nagda (UC Berkeley); Shayan Oveis Gharan (University of Washington)

  • On the Limits of Language Generation: Trade-Offs Between Hallucination and Mode-Collapse
    Alkis Kalavasis, Anay Mehrotra, Grigoris Velegkas (Yale University)

  • Disjoint paths problem with group-expressable constraints
    Chun-Hung Liu (Texas A&M Univeristy); Youngho Yoo (Texas A&M University)

  • The hypergraph removal process
    Felix Joos, Marcus Kühn (Universität Heidelberg)

  • Agnostic Smoothed Online Learning
    Moïse Blanchard (Columbia University)

  • The Structure of Catalytic Space: Capturing Randomness and Time via Compression
    James Cook (Toronto); Jiatu Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Ian Mertz (University of Warwick); Edward Pyne (MIT)

  • Locality vs Quantum Codes
    Samuel Dai (Northeastern University); Ray Li (Santa Clara University)

  • Explicit Folded Reed-Solomon and Multiplicity Codes Achieve Relaxed Generalized Singleton Bounds
    Yeyuan Chen (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Zihan Zhang (The Ohio State University)

  • Learning the structure of any Hamiltonian from minimal assumptions
    Andrew Zhao (Sandia National Laboratories)

  • Faster Weighted and Unweighted Tree Edit Distance and APSP Equivalence
    Jakob Nogler (ETH Zurich); Adam Polak (Bocconi University); Barna Saha (University of California, San Diego); Virginia Vassilevska Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Yinzhan Xu, Christopher Ye (University of California, San Diego)

  • Treewidth Inapproximability and Tight ETH Lower Bound
    Édouard Bonnet (CNRS, ENS Lyon, LIP)

  • The state hidden subgroup problem and an efficient algorithm for locating unentanglement
    Adam Bouland (Stanford University); Tudor Giurgica-Tiron (Stanford); John Wright (The University of California, Berkeley)

  • Share-Based Fairness for Arbitrary Entitlements
    Moshe Babaioff (Hebrew University); Uriel Feige (Weizmann Institute)

  • Extending the Extension: Deterministic Algorithm for Non-monotone Submodular Maximization
    Niv Buchbinder (Tel-Aviv University, Israel); Moran Feldman (University of Haifa)

  • Metric Distortion of Small-group Deliberation
    Ashish Goel, Mohak Goyal (Stanford University); Kamesh Munagala (Duke University)

  • Asymptotic tensor rank is characterized by polynomials
    Matthias Christandl (University of Copenhagen); Koen Hoeberechts (University of Amsterdam); Harold Nieuwboer (University of Copenhagen); Peter Vrana (Budapest University of Technology and Economics); Jeroen Zuiddam (University of Amsterdam)

  • Linear-Time Algorithms for k-Edge-Connected Components, k-Lean Tree Decompositions, and More
    Tuukka Korhonen (University of Copenhagen)

  • Discrepancy Algorithms for the Binary Perceptron
    Shuangping Li, Tselil Schramm (Stanford University); Kangjie Zhou (Columbia University)

  • Sandwiching Random Geometric Graphs and Erdos-Renyi with Applications: Sharp Thresholds, Robust Testing, and Enumeration
    Kiril Bangachev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Guy Bresler (MIT)

  • Multi-Parameter Mechanisms for Consumer Surplus Maximization
    Tomer Ezra (Harvard University); Daniel Schoepflin (Rutgers University); Ariel Shaulker (Weizmann Institute)

  • Approximation Algorithms for Satisfiable CSPs via a Mixed Invariance Principle
    Amey Bhangale (UC Riverside); Subhash Khot (NYU); Dor Minzer (MIT)

  • A Zero-Knowledge PCP Theorem
    Tom Gur, Jack O'Connor (University of Cambridge); Nicholas Spooner (Cornell University)

  • Constant-Cost Communication is not Reducible to k-Hamming Distance
    Yuting Fang (Ohio State University); Mika Göös, Nathaniel Harms (EPFL); Pooya Hatami (The Ohio State University)

  • Almost Optimal Time Lower Bound for Approximating Parameterized Clique, CSP, and More, under ETH
    Venkatesan Guruswami (UC Berkeley); Bingkai Lin (Nanjing University); Xuandi Ren (University of California, Berkeley); Yican Sun (Peking University); Kewen Wu (UC Berkeley)

  • The Cost of Consistency: Submodular Maximization with Constant Recourse
    Paul Duetting (Google); Federico Fusco (Sapienza University of Rome); Silvio Lattanzi (Google); Ashkan Norouzi-Fard (Google Zurich); Ola Svensson (EPFL); Morteza Zadimoghaddam (Google)

  • Time and Space Efficient Deterministic Decoders
    Joshua Cook (University Of Texas at Austin); Dana Moshkovitz (University of Texas at Austin)

  • Cryptographic Characterization of Quantum Advantage
    Tomoyuki Morimae, Yuki Shirakawa (Kyoto University); Takashi Yamakawa (NTT, Kyoto University)

  • Testing Support Size More Efficiently Than Learning Histograms
    Renato Ferreira Pinto Jr. (University of Waterloo); Nathaniel Harms (EPFL)

  • The FPNP versus #P dichotomy for #EO
    Boning Meng, Juqiu Wang (Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Mingji Xia (State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.)

  • Coboundary expansion of coset complexes
    Izhar Oppenheim (Ben-Gurion University); Tali Kaufman (Bar Ilan University); Shmuel Weinberger (University of Chicago)

  • Rounding Large Independent Sets on Expanders
    Mitali Bafna (MIT); Jun-Ting Hsieh (Carnegie Mellon University); Pravesh Kothari (Princeton University and IAS)

  • Faster Lattice Basis Computation via a Natural Generalization of the Euclidean Algorithm
    Kim-Manuel Klein (University of Lübeck); Janina Reuter (University of Kiel)

  • Quantum LDPC Codes with Transversal Non-Clifford Gates via Products of Algebraic Codes
    Louis Golowich (UC Berkeley); Ting-Chun Lin (UC San Diego)

  • Network Unreliability in Almost-Linear Time
    Debmalya Panigrahi, Ruoxu Cen (Duke University); Jason Li (Carnegie Mellon University)

  • A Fine-grained Classification of Subquadratic Patterns for Subgraph Listing and Friends
    Karl Bringmann, Egor Gorbachev (Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

  • Asymptotically Optimal Hardness for k-Set Packing and k-Matroid Intersection
    Euiwoong Lee (University of Michigan); Ola Svensson, Theophile Thiery (EPFL)

  • Extractors for Samplable Distributions with Low Min-Entropy
    Marshall Ball (New York University); Ronen Shaltiel (University of Haifa); Jad Silbak (Northeastern University)

  • Quantum-Computable One-Way Functions without One-Way Functions
    William Kretschmer (Simons Institute); Luowen Qian (NTT Research, Inc.); Avishay Tal (UC Berkeley)

  • Founding Quantum Cryptography on Quantum Advantage, or, Towards Cryptography from #P Hardness
    Dakshita Khurana (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, NTT Research); Kabir Tomer (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

  • Characterizing and Testing Principal Minor Equivalence of Matrices
    Abhranil Chatterjee (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata); Sumanta Ghosh (Chennai Mathematical Institute); Rohit Gurjar, Roshan Raj (IIT Bombay)

  • Approximation Algorithms for the Geometric Multimatching Problem
    Shinwoo An, Eunjin Oh (POSTECH); Jie Xue (New York University Shanghai)

  • Refuting the Direct Sum Conjecture for Total Functions in Deterministic Communication Complexity
    Simon Mackenzie (None); Abdallah Saffidine (unaffiliated)

  • Reachability in One-Dimensional Pushdown Vector Addition Systems is Decidable
    Clotilde Bizière (Université de Bordeaux); Wojciech Czerwinski (University of Warsaw)

  • Lifting to bounded-depth and regular resolutions over parities via games
    Yaroslav Alekseev (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology); Dmitry Itsykson (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

  • Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Coloring Random Graphs
    Aaron Potechin (University of Chicago); Jeff Xu (Carnegie Mellon University)

  • Matroid Products via Submodular Coupling
    Kristóf Bérczi, Boglárka Gehér, András Imolay (Eötvös Loránd University); László Lovász, Balázs Maga (HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics); Tamás Schwarcz (Eötvös Loránd University)

  • Deterministic Dynamic Maximal Matching in Sublinear Update Time
    Aaron Bernstein (New York University); Sayan Bhattacharya (University of Warwick); Peter Kiss (University of Vienna); Thatchaphol Saranurak (University of Michigan)

  • Hardness of 4-colouring G-colourable graphs
    Sergey Avvakumov (Tel Aviv University); Marek Filakovský (Masaryk University); Jakub Opršal (University of Birmingham); Gianluca Tasinato, Uli Wagner (Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA))

  • Quantum Communication Advantage in TFNP
    Siddhartha Jain (University of Texas at Austin); Mika Göös (EPFL); Tom Gur (University of Cambridge); Jiawei Li (University of Texas at Austin)

  • Approximation guarantees of Median Mechanism in ℝd
    Nick Gravin, Jianhao Jia (Shanghai University of FInance and Economics, China)

  • Constant Approximation of Fréchet Distance in Strongly Subquadratic Time
    Siu-Wing Cheng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Haoqiang Huang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Shuo Zhang (Renmin University of China)

  • From signaling to interviews in random matching markets
    Maxwell Allman, Itai Ashlagi, Amin Saberi (Stanford University); Sophie H. Yu (University of Pennsylvania)

  • Unambiguous SNARGs for P from LWE with Applications to PPAD Hardness
    Liyan Chen (Tsinghua University); Cody Freitag, Zhengzhong Jin, Daniel Wichs (Northeastern)

  • Approximately counting and sampling Hamiltonian motifs in sublinear time
    Reut Levi (Reichman University); Talya Eden (Bar Ilan University); Dana Ron (Tel Aviv University); Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT)

  • The Meta-Complexity of Secret Sharing
    Benny Applebaum, Oded Nir (Tel-Aviv University)

  • Entangled Mean Estimation in High Dimensions
    Ilias Diakonikolas (UW Madison); Daniel M. Kane (University of California, San Diego); Sihan Liu (UCSD); Thanasis Pittas (UW Madison)

  • Counting random k-SAT near the satisfiability threshold
    Zongchen Chen, Aditya Lonkar (Georgia Institute of Technology); Chunyang Wang (Nanjing University); Kuan Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Yitong Yin (Nanjing University)

  • Succinct Oblivious Tensor Evaluation and Applications: Adaptively-Secure Laconic Function Evaluation and Trapdoor Hashing for All Circuits
    Damiano Abram, Giulio Malavolta (Bocconi University); Lawrence Roy (Aarhus University)

  • Fast, robust approximate message passing
    Misha Ivkov, Tselil Schramm (Stanford)

  • Testing vs Estimation for Index-Invariant Properties in the Huge Object Model
    Sourav Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India); Eldar Fischer (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology); Arijit Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India); Amit Levi (University of Haifa); Gopinath Mishra (National University of Singapore); Sayantan Sen (Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore)

  • Primes via Zeros: interactive proofs for testing primality of natural classes of ideals
    Abhibhav Garg, Rafael Oliveira (University of Waterloo); Nitin Saxena (Department of Computer Science & Engg., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)

  • Bounded Edit Distance: Optimal Static and Dynamic Algorithms for Small Integer Weights
    Egor Gorbachev (Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Informatics); Tomasz Kociumaka (INSAIT, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski")

  • Single-copy stabilizer testing
    Marcel Hinsche (Freie Universität Berlin and IBM Quantum Zurich); Jonas Helsen (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and QuSoft, Amsterdam)

  • Constant Degree Networks for Almost-Everywhere Reliable Transmission
    Mitali Bafna, Dor Minzer (MIT)

  • Optimality of Frequency Moment Estimation
    Mark Braverman (Princeton University); Or Zamir (Tel Aviv University)

  • Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Proximity
    Liyan Chen (Tsinghua University); Zhengzhong Jin (Northeastern); Daniel Wichs (Northeastern & NTT Research)

  • Smoothed analysis for graph isomorphism
    Benjamin Moore, Michael Anastos, Matthew Kwan (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)

  • Provably learning a multi-head attention layer
    Sitan Chen (Harvard University); Yuanzhi Li (Microsoft Research)

  • Monotone Contractions
    Eleni Batziou, John Fearnley, Spencer Gordon (University of Liverpool); Ruta Mehta (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Rahul Savani (University of Liverpool)

  • Fully Dynamic k-Median with Near-Optimal Update Time and Recourse
    Sayan Bhattacharya, Martin Costa, Ermiya Farokhnejad (University of Warwick)

  • Fiat-Shamir in the Plain Model from Derandomization (Or: Do Efficient Algorithms Believe that NP = PSPACE?)
    Lijie Chen (Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, UC Berkeley); Ron Rothblum (Technion); Roei Tell (University of Toronto)

  • Breaking the T2/3 Barrier for Sequential Calibration
    Yuval Dagan (Tel Aviv University); Constantinos Daskalakis (EECS, MIT); Maxwell Fishelson, Noah Golowich (MIT); Robert Kleinberg, Princewill Okoroafor (Cornell University)

  • Breaking the Sorting Barrier for Directed Single-Source Shortest Paths
    Ran Duan, Jiayi Mao (Tsinghua University); Xiao Mao (Stanford University); Xinkai Shu (Max Planck Institute for Informatics); Longhui Yin (Tsinghua University)

  • Almost Optimal PAC Learning for k-Means
    Vincent Cohen-Addad (Google Research, France); Silvio Lattanzi (Google); Chris Schwiegelshohn (Aarhus University)

  • Solving the Correlation Cluster LP in Nearly Linear Time
    Nairen Cao (New York University); Vincent Cohen-Addad (Google Research, France); Euiwoong Lee (University of Michigan); Shi Li (Nanjing University); David Rasmussen Lolck (University of Copenhagen); Alantha Newman (Université Grenoble Alpes); Mikkel Thorup (University of Copenhagen); Lukas Vogl (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne); Shuyi Yan (University of Copenhagen); Hanwen Zhang (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

  • Optimal Proof Systems for Complex Sets are Hard to Find
    Fabian Egidy, Christian Glaßer (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)

  • SoS Certifiability of Subgaussian Distributions and its Algorithmic Applications
    Ilias Diakonikolas (UW Madison); Sam Hopkins (MIT); Ankit Pensia (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley); Stefan Tiegel (ETH Zürich)

  • Disjoint connected dominating sets in pseudorandom graphs
    Nemanja Draganic (University of Oxford); Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University)

  • Breaking the O(mn)-Time Barrier for Vertex-Weighted Global Minimum Cut
    Julia Chuzhoy, Ohad Trabelsi (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)

  • Good binary quantum codes with transversal CCZ gate
    Quynh T Nguyen (Harvard University)

  • Hypercontractivity on HDX II: Symmetrization and q-Norms
    Max Hopkins (Princeton University)

  • Tensor Concentration Inequalities: A Geometric Approach
    Afonso S. Bandeira (ETH Zurich); Sivakanth Gopi (Microsoft Research Redmond); Haotian Jiang (University of Chicago); Kevin Lucca (ETH Zurich); Thomas Rothvoss (University of Washington)

  • On the Computational Power of QAC0 with Barely Superlinear Ancillae
    Anurag Anshu (Harvard University); Yangjing Dong, Fengning Ou, Penghui Yao (Nanjing University)

  • Parallel Repetition for 3-Player XOR Games
    Amey Bhangale (UC Riverside); Mark Braverman (Princeton University); Subhash Khot (NYU); Yang Liu (IAS and CMU); Dor Minzer (MIT)

  • Stabilizer bootstrapping: A recipe for efficient agnostic tomography and magic estimation
    Sitan Chen, Weiyuan Gong (Harvard University); Qi Ye, Zhihan Zhang (Tsinghua University)

  • Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms for Hitting Subgraphs
    Daniel Lokshtanov (University of California Santa Barbara, USA); Fahad Panolan (School of Computing, University of Leeds); Saket Saurabh (IMSc); Jie Xue (New York University Shanghai); Meirav Zehavi (Ben-Gurion University)

  • Adaptive and oblivious statistical adversaries are equivalent
    Guy Blanc, Gregory Valiant (Stanford University)

  • Correlation Clustering and (De)Sparsification: Graph Sketches Can Match Classical Algorithms
    Sepehr Assadi (University of Waterloo); Sanjeev Khanna (University of Pennsylvania); Aaron (Louie) Putterman (Harvard University)

  • A General Quantum Duality for Representations of Groups with Applications to Quantum Money, Lightning, and Fire
    John Bostanci (Columbia University); Barak Nehoran (Princeton University); Mark Zhandry (NTT Research)

  • Online Stochastic Matching with Unknown Arrival Order: Beating 0.5 against the Online Optimum
    Enze Sun (The University of Hong Kong); Zhihao Gavin Tang (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics); Yifan Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • Quasi-Linear Size PCPs with Small Soundness from HDX
    Mitali Bafna, Dor Minzer (MIT); Nikhil Vyas (Harvard); Zhiwei Yun (MIT)

  • Polynomial-Time PIT from (Almost) Necessary Assumptions
    Robert Andrews (University of Waterloo); Deepanshu Kush, Roei Tell (University of Toronto)

  • Simple and Optimal Algorithms for Heavy Hitters and Frequency Moments in Distributed Models
    Zengfeng Huang, Zhongzheng Xiong, Xiaoyi Zhu (Fudan University); Zhewei Wei (Renmin University of China)

  • Protecting Computations Against Continuous Bounded-Communication Leakage
    Yuval Ishai (Technion); Yifan Song (IIIS, Tsinghua University and Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute)

  • Tolerant testing of stabilizer states with a polynomial gap via a generalized uncertainty relation
    Zongbo Bao (CWI & QuSoft); Philippe van Dordrecht (University of Amsterdam); Jonas Helsen (CWI & QuSoft)

  • Sampling and Integration of Logconcave Functions by Algorithmic Diffusion
    Yunbum Kook, Santosh S. Vempala (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • Constant Approximation for Weighted Nash Social Welfare with Submodular Valuations
    Yuda Feng (Nanjing University); Yang Hu (Tsinghua University); Shi Li (Nanjing University); Ruilong Zhang (Technical University of Munich)

  • Quantum One-Time Programs, Revisited
    Aparna Gupte, Jiahui Liu (MIT); Justin Raizes (CMU); Bhaskar Roberts (UC Berkeley); Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT)

  • Efficient Algorithms and New Characterizations for CSP Sparsification
    Sanjeev Khanna (University of Pennsylvania); Aaron (Louie) Putterman, Madhu Sudan (Harvard University)

  • List-Decoding Capacity Implies Capacity on the q-ary Symmetric Channel
    Francisco Pernice (MIT); Oscar Sprumont (University of Washington); Mary Wootters (Stanford University)

  • Learning the closest product state
    Ainesh Bakshi (MIT); John Bostanci (Columbia University); William Kretschmer (Simons Institute); Zeph Landau (UC Berkeley); Jerry Li (University of Washington); Allen Liu (MIT); Ryan O'Donnell (Carnegie Mellon University); Ewin Tang (UC Berkeley)

  • Linear Hashing Is Good
    Michael Jaber, Vinayak M. Kumar, David Zuckerman (UT Austin)

  • Dynamic Locality Sensitive Orderings in Doubling Metrics
    An La, Hung Le (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA)

  • A New Approach for LPN-based Pseudorandom Functions: Low-Depth and Key-Homomorphic
    Youlong Ding (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem); Aayush Jain (CMU); Ilan Komargodski (Hebrew University (Israel) and NTT Research (USA))

  • Online Locality Meets Distributed Quantum Computing
    Amirreza Akbari (Aalto University); Xavier Coiteux-Roy (School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technical University of Munich & Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Munich, Germany); Francesco d'Amore (Bocconi University & BIDSA); François Le Gall (Nagoya University); Henrik Lievonen (Aalto University); Darya Melnyk (TU Berlin); Augusto Modanese (Aalto University); Shreyas Pai (IIT Madras); Marc-Olivier Renou (Inria, Universitée Paris-Saclay, CPHT, Ecole polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau); Václav Rozhoň (INSAIT); Jukka Suomela (Aalto University)

  • Redundancy is All You Need
    Joshua Brakensiek, Venkatesan Guruswami (University of California, Berkeley)

  • On Reductions and Representations of Learning Problems in Euclidean Spaces
    Bogdan Chornomaz, Shay Moran, Tom Waknine (Technion)

  • Near-Optimal Dimension Reduction for Facility Location
    Lingxiao Huang (Nanjing University); Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang (Peking University); Robert Krauthgamer (Weizmann Institute of Science); Di Yue (Peking University)

  • Optimal Non-Oblivious Open Addressing
    Michael A. Bender (Stony Brook University); William Kuszmaul, Renfei Zhou (Carnegie Mellon University)

  • Student-Teacher Constructive Separations and (Un)Provability in Bounded Arithmetic: Witnessing the Gap
    Stefan Grosser (McGill University); Marco Carmosino (IBM Research)

  • Tight Results for Online Convex Paging
    Anupam Gupta (New York University, USA); Amit Kumar (IIT Delhi); Debmalya Panigrahi (Duke University)

  • Sample-Optimal Private Regression in Polynomial Time
    Prashanti Anderson, Ainesh Bakshi, Mahbod Majid (MIT); Stefan Tiegel (ETH Zürich)

  • Better Approximation for Weighted k-Matroid Intersection
    Neta Singer, Theophile Thiery (EPFL)

  • Model Stealing for Any Low-Rank Language Model
    Allen Liu, Ankur Moitra (MIT)

  • Computing moment polytopes of tensors with applications in algebraic complexity and quantum information
    Maxim van den Berg (University of Amsterdam and Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Matthias Christandl (University of Copenhagen); Vladimir Lysikov (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Harold Nieuwboer (University of Copenhagen); Michael Walter (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Jeroen Zuiddam (University of Amsterdam)

  • Tractable Agreement Protocols
    Natalie Collina, Surbhi Goel, Varun Gupta, Aaron Roth (University of Pennsylvania)

  • Omnipredicting Single-Index Models with Multi-Index Models
    Lunjia Hu (Stanford University); Kevin Tian (UT Austin); Chutong Yang (UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN)

  • Maximum Circuit Lower Bounds for Exponential-time Arthur Merlin
    Lijie Chen (University of California at Berkeley); Jiatu Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Jingxun Liang (Carnegie Mellon University)

  • Simulating Time With Square-Root Space
    Ryan Williams (MIT)

  • Uncloneable quantum states are necessary as proofs and advice
    Rohit Chatterjee (National University of Singapore); Srijita Kundu (University of Waterloo); Supartha Podder (Stony Brook University)

  • Lifting Linear Sketches: Optimal Bounds and Adversarial Robustness
    Elena Gribelyuk (Princeton University); Honghao Lin, David P. Woodruff (Carnegie Mellon University); Huacheng Yu (Princeton University); Samson Zhou (Texas A&M University)

  • Improved bounds for testing low stabilizer complexity states
    Saeed Mehraban (Tufts University); Mehrdad Tahmasbi (UIUC)

  • Supercritical Tradeoffs for Monotone Circuits
    Mika Göös, Gilbert Maystre, Kilian Risse, Dmitry Sokolov (EPFL)

  • Phase Transitions via Complex Extensions of Markov Chains
    Jingcheng Liu, Chunyang Wang, Yitong Yin, Yixiao Yu (Nanjing University)

  • Bypassing the Noisy Parity Barrier: Learning Higher-Order Markov Random Fields from Dynamics
    Jason Gaitonde (MIT); Ankur Moitra (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA); Elchanan Mossel (MIT)

  • Learning the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model Even at Low Temperature
    Gautam Chandrasekaran, Adam Klivans (University of Texas at Austin)

  • Distributed Quantum Advantage for Local Problems
    Alkida Balliu (Gran Sasso Science Institute); Sebastian Brandt (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security); Xavier Coiteux-Roy (School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technical University of Munich & Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Munich, Germany); Francesco d'Amore (Bocconi University, BIDSA); Massimo Equi (Aalto University); François Le Gall (Nagoya University); Henrik Lievonen, Augusto Modanese (Aalto University); Dennis Olivetti (Gran Sasso Science Institute); Marc-Olivier Renou (Inria, Universitée Paris-Saclay, CPHT, Ecole polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau); Jukka Suomela (Aalto University); Lucas Tendick, Isadora Veeren (Inria Paris-Saclay)

  • Asymptotically Good Quantum Codes with Transversal Non-Clifford Gates
    Louis Golowich, Venkatesan Guruswami (UC Berkeley)

  • Six Candidates Suffice to Win a Voter Majority
    Moses Charikar (Stanford University); Alexandra Lassota (Eindhoven University of Technology); Prasanna Ramakrishnan (Stanford University); Adrian Vetta (McGill University); Kangning Wang (Rutgers University)

  • Weak Poincaré Inequalities, Simulated Annealing, and Sampling from Spherical Spin Glasses
    Brice Huang, Sidhanth Mohanty, Amit Rajaraman (MIT); David X Wu (UC Berkeley)

  • A bound on the quantum value of all compiled nonlocal games
    Alexander Kulpe (Ruhr University Bochum); Giulio Malavolta (Bocconi University); Connor Paddock (U Ottawa); Simon Schmidt, Michael Walter (Ruhr University Bochum)

  • Matrix Chaos Inequalities and Chaos of Combinatorial Type
    Afonso S. Bandeira, Kevin Lucca, Petar Nizic-Nikolac (ETH Zurich); Ramon van Handel (Princeton University)

  • Near-optimal Linear Sketches and Fully-Dynamic Algorithms for Hypergraph Spectral Sparsification
    Sanjeev Khanna, Huan Li (University of Pennsylvania); Aaron (Louie) Putterman (Harvard University)

  • All-Pairs Shortest Paths with Few Weights per Node
    Amir Abboud (Weizmann Institute of Science and INSAIT); Nick Fischer (INSAIT); Ce Jin (MIT); Virginia Vassilevska Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Zoe Xi (MIT)

  • Explicit Two-Sided Vertex Expanders Beyond the Spectral Barrier
    Jun-Ting Hsieh (Carnegie Mellon University); Ting-Chun Lin (UCSD); Sidhanth Mohanty (MIT); Ryan O'Donnell (Carnegie Mellon University); Rachel Yun Zhang (MIT)

  • Faster Rates for No-Regret Learning in General Games via Cautious Optimism
    Ashkan Soleymani (MIT); Georgios Piliouras (Google DeepMind); Gabriele Farina (MIT)

  • Locally Sampleable Uniform Symmetric Distributions
    Daniel M. Kane, Anthony Ostuni (UC San Diego); Kewen Wu (UC Berkeley)

  • Error-Correction of Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
    Shuichi Hirahara (National Institute of Informatics); Nobutaka Shimizu (Institute of Science Tokyo)

  • Oblivious Defense in ML Models: Backdoor Removal without Detection
    Shafi Goldwasser (UC Berkeley and MIT); Jonathan Shafer, Neekon Vafa, Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT)

  • Single-Sample and Robust Online Resource Allocation
    Rohan Ghuge (Georgia Institute of Technology); Sahil Singla (Georgia Tech); Yifan Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • Privately Evaluating Untrusted Black-Box Functions
    Ephraim Linder, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Adam Smith (Boston University); Thomas Steinke (Google Research)

  • Pauli measurements are not optimal for single-copy tomography
    Jayadev Acharya, Abhilash Dharmavarapu (Cornell University); Yuhan Liu (Rice University); Nengkun Yu (Stony Brook University)

  • Õptimal Fault-Tolerant Labeling for Reachability and Approximate Distances in Directed Planar Graphs
    Itai Boneh (Reichman University and University of Haifa); Shiri Chechik (Tel Aviv University); Shay Golan (Reichman University and University of Haifa); Shay Mozes (Reichman University); Oren Weimann (University of Haifa)

  • Computational Lower Bounds for No-Regret Learning in Normal-Form Games
    Ioannis Anagnostides (Carnegie Mellon University); Alkis Kalavasis (Yale University); Tuomas Sandholm (Carnegie Mellon University)

  • Efficiently Finding and Counting Patterns with Distance Constraints in Sparse Graphs
    Daniel Lokshtanov (University of California Santa Barbara, USA); Fahad Panolan (School of Computing, University of Leeds); Saket Saurabh (IMSc); Jie Xue (New York University Shanghai); Meirav Zehavi (Ben-Gurion University)

  • How to Protect Yourself from Threatening Skeletons: Optimal Padded Decompositions for Minor-Free Graphs
    Jonathan Conroy (Dartmouth College); Arnold Filtser (Bar-Ilan University)

  • Dimension Independent and Computationally Efficient Shadow Tomography
    Pulkit Sinha (Institute for Quantum Computing, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo)

  • How to Construct Random Unitaries
    Fermi Ma (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley); Hsin-Yuan Huang (Google, Caltech)

  • Breaking the Barrier of Self-Concordant Barriers: Faster Interior Point Methods for M-Matrices
    Adrian Vladu (CNRS & IRIF)

  • A sharp version of Talagrand's selector process conjecture and an application to rounding fractional covers
    Huy Tuan Pham (Institute for Advanced Study)

  • Near Optimal Constant Inapproximability under ETH for Fundamental Problems in Parameterized Complexity
    Mitali Bafna (MIT); Karthik C. S. (Rutgers University); Dor Minzer (MIT)

  • Strong XOR Lemma for Information Complexity
    Pachara Sawettamalya, Huacheng Yu (Princeton University)

  • Merge-width and First-Order Model Checking
    Jan Dreier (TU Wien); Szymon Torunczyk (University of Warsaw)

  • Rapid Mixing at the Uniqueness Threshold
    Xiaoyu Chen (Nanjing University); Zongchen Chen (Georgia Institute of Technology); Yitong Yin, Xinyuan Zhang (Nanjing University)

  • Minimum degree edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in random directed graphs
    Asaf Ferber (University of California, Irvine); Adva Mond (King's College London)

  • DNF Learning via Locally Mixing Random Walks
    Josh Alman (Columbia University); Shivam Nadimpalli (MIT); Shyamal Patel, Rocco A. Servedio (Columbia University)

  • Symmetric Perceptrons, Number Partitioning and Lattices
    Neekon Vafa, Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT)

  • Classical Commitments to Quantum States
    Sam Gunn (Berkeley); Yael Kalai, Anand Natarajan, Agi Villanyi (MIT)

  • Vizing's Theorem in Near-Linear Time
    Sepehr Assadi (University of Waterloo); Soheil Behnezhad (Northeastern University); Sayan Bhattacharya, Martin Costa (University of Warwick); Shay Solomon (Tel Aviv University); Tianyi Zhang (ETH Zurich)

  • Permutation Superposition Oracles for Quantum Query Lower Bounds
    Christian Majenz (DTU); Giulio Malavolta (Bocconi University); Michael Walter (Ruhr University Bochum)

  • Accelerated Optimization of Approximate Multi-Commodity Flows on Directed Graphs
    Li Chen (Independent); Andrei Graur, Aaron Sidford (Stanford University)

  • Efficient thermalization and universal quantum computing with quantum Gibbs samplers
    Cambyse Rouze (INRIA Saclay, IPP); Alvaro Alhambra (Instituto de Física Teórica - CSIC); Daniel Stilck França (University of Copenhagen)

  • Vanishing of Schubert Coefficients
    Igor Pak, Colleen Robichaux (UCLA)

  • Fully dynamic biconnectivity in Õ(log² n) time
    Jacob Holm (University of Copenhagen); Wojciech Nadara (Technical University of Denmark and University of Warsaw); Eva Rotenberg (Technical University of Denmark); Marek Sokołowski (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

  • Truly Supercritical Trade-offs for Resolution, Cutting Planes, Monotone Circuits, and Weisfeiler–Leman
    Susanna F. de Rezende (Lund University); Noah Fleming (Memorial University); Duri Andrea Janett, Jakob Nordström (University of Copenhagen and Lund University); Shuo Pang (University of Copenhagen)

  • Leakage-resilient extractors against number-on-forehead protocols
    Eshan Chattopadhyay (Cornell University); Jesse Goodman (UT Austin)

  • The Jacobi Factoring Circuit: Quantum Factoring in Near-Linear Gates and Sublinear Space
    Gregory D. Kahanamoku-Meyer, Seyoon Ragavan, Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT); Katherine Van Kirk (Harvard)

  • On Differentially Private Linear Algebra
    Haim Kaplan, Yishay Mansour (Tel Aviv University and Google Research); Shay Moran (Technion and Google Research); Uri Stemmer (Tel Aviv University and Google Research); Nitzan Tur (Google Research)

  • A 5/4-Approximation for Two-Edge Connectivity
    Miguel Bosch Calvo (IDSIA, USI-SUPSI); Mohit Garg (Indian Institute of Science); Fabrizio Grandoni (IDSIA); Felix Hommelsheim (University of Bremen); Afrouz Jabal Ameli (TU Eindhoven); Alexander Lindermayr (University of Bremen)

  • Feasibly Constructive Proof of Schwartz-Zippel Lemma and the Complexity of Finding Hitting Sets
    Albert Atserias (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya); Iddo Tzameret (Imperial College London)

  • Polynomial-time tolerant testing stabilizer states
    Srinivasan Arunachalam, Arkopal Dutt (IBM Quantum)

  • Optimal Static Dictionary with Worst-Case Constant Query Time
    Yang Hu (Tsinghua University); Jingxun Liang (CMU); Huacheng Yu (Princeton University); Junkai Zhang (Tsinghua University); Renfei Zhou (CMU)

  • Stochastic Matching via In-n-Out Local Computation Algorithms
    Amir Azarmehr, Soheil Behnezhad, Alma Ghafari (Northeastern University); Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT)

  • Statistical inference of a ranked community in a directed graph
    Dmitriy Kunisky (Johns Hopkins University); Daniel A. Spielman (Yale University); Alexander S. Wein (University of California, Davis); Xifan Yu (Yale University)

  • Long Arithmetic Progressions in Sumsets and Subset Sums: Constructive Proofs and Efficient Witnesses
    Lin Chen, Yuchen Mao, Guochuan Zhang (Zhejiang University)

  • On the complexity of isomorphism problems for tensors, groups, and polynomials IV: linear-length reductions and their applications
    Joshua Grochow (University of Colorado Boulder); Youming Qiao ( University of Technology Sydney)

  • History-Independent Concurrent Hash Tables
    Hagit Attiya (Technion); Michael Bender (Stony Brook University); Martin Farach-Colton (New York University); Rotem Oshman (Tel-Aviv University); Noa Schiller (Tel Aviv University)

  • Near-Optimal Time-Sparsity Trade-Offs for Solving Noisy Linear Equations
    Kiril Bangachev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Guy Bresler (MIT); Stefan Tiegel (ETH Zürich); Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT CSAIL)

  • Optimal rounding for Sparsest Cut
    Alan Chang (Washington University in St. Louis); Assaf Naor, Kevin Ren (Princeton University)

  • On the complexity of isomorphism problems for tensors, groups, and polynomials V: over commutative rings
    Joshua Grochow (University of Colorado Boulder); Youming Qiao (University of Technology Sydney); Katherine E. Stange (University of Colorado Boulder); Xiaorui Sun (University of Illinois Chicago)

  • Low Rank Matrix Rigidity: Tight Lower Bounds and Hardness Amplification
    Josh Alman (Columbia University); Jingxun Liang (CMU)

  • Approximating the Held-Karp Bound for Metric TSP in Nearly Linear Work and Polylogarithmic Depth
    Zhuan Khye Koh (Boston University); Omri Weinstein (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem); Sorrachai Yingchareonthawornchai (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and ETH Zurich)

  • Testing and learning structured quantum Hamiltonians
    Srinivasan Arunachalam, Arkopal Dutt (IBM); Francisco (CWI Amsterdam)

  • A Tolerant Independent Set Tester
    Cameron Seth (University of Waterloo)

  • On the Hardness Hierarchy for the O(n √log n) Complexity in the Word RAM
    Dominik Kempa (Stony Brook University, USA); Tomasz Kociumaka (INSAIT, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)

  • Weak recovery, hypothesis testing, and mutual information in stochastic block models and planted factor graphs
    Elchanan Mossel (MIT); Allan Sly (Princeton); Youngtak Sohn (Brown)

  • SoS Certificates for Sparse Singular Values and Their Applications: Robust Statistics, Subspace Distortion, and More
    Ilias Diakonikolas (UW Madison); Sam Hopkins (MIT); Ankit Pensia (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley); Stefan Tiegel (ETH Zürich)

  • Sharp Phase Transitions in Estimation with Low-Degree Polynomials
    Youngtak Sohn (Brown University); Alexander S. Wein (University of California, Davis)

  • Fingerprinting Codes Meet Geometry: Improved Lower Bounds for Private Query Release and Adaptive Data Analysis
    Xin Lyu (UC berkeley); Kunal Talwar (Apple)

  • QMA vs QCMA and Pseudorandomness
    Jiahui Liu (Fujitsu Research); Saachi Mutreja, Henry Yuen (Columbia University)

  • Monotonicity Testing of High-Dimensional Distributions with Subcube Conditioning
    Deeparnab Chakrabarty (Dartmouth College); Xi Chen (Columbia University); Simeon Ristic (University of Pennsylvania); C. Seshadhri (University of California, Santa Cruz); Erik Waingarten (University of Pennsylvania)

  • Covering Approximate Shortest Paths with DAGs
    Sepehr Assadi (University of Waterloo); Gary Hoppenworth, Nicole Wein (University of Michigan)

  • A (2+ε)-Approximation Algorithm for Metric k-Median
    Vincent Cohen-Addad (Google Research, France); Fabrizio Grandoni (IDSIA, USI-SUPSI); Euiwoong Lee (University of Michigan); Chris Schwiegelshohn (Aarhus University); Ola Svensson (EPFL)

  • A Framework for Building Data Structures from Communication Protocols
    Alexandr Andoni, Shunhua Jiang (Columbia University); Omri Weinstein (Columbia University and the Hebrew University)

  • How Random CSPs Fool Hierarchies: II
    Siu On Chan, Hiu Tsun Ng

  • Explicit Codes approaching Generalized Singleton Bound using Expanders
    Fernando Granha Jeronimo (UIUC); Tushant Mittal (Stanford University); Shashank Srivastava (DIMACS and IAS); Madhur Tulsiani (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, USA)

  • When Connectivity Is Hard, Random Walks Are Easy With Non-Determinism
    Dean Doron (Ben Gurion University); Edward Pyne (MIT); Roei Tell (University of Toronto); Ryan Williams (MIT)

  • Deterministic Vertex Connectivity via Common-Neighborhood Clustering and Pseudorandomness
    Yonggang Jiang (Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland University); Chaitanya Nalam, Thatchaphol Saranurak (University of Michigan); Sorrachai Yingchareonthawornchai (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and ETH Zurich)

  • Constant-Factor EFX Exists for Chores
    Jugal Garg, Aniket Murhekar, John Qin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

  • Using the Planted Clique Conjecture for Cryptography: Public-Key Encryption from Planted Clique and Noisy k-XOR Over Expanders
    Riddhi Ghosal (UCLA); Isaac M Hair (UCSB); Aayush Jain (CMU); Amit Sahai (UCLA)

  • Efficient Learning and Computation of Linear Correlated Equilibrium in General Convex Games
    Constantinos Daskalakis (EECS, MIT); Gabriele Farina, Maxwell Fishelson, Charilaos Pipis (MIT); Jon Schneider (Google Research)

  • Improved Complexity for Smooth Nonconvex Optimization: A Two-Level Online Learning Approach with Quasi-Newton Methods
    Ruichen Jiang, Aryan Mokhtari, Francisco Patitucci Perez (University of Texas at Austin)

  • Ideal Pseudorandom Codes
    Omar Alrabiah (University of California, Berkeley); Prabhanjan Ananth (University of California, Santa Barbara); Miranda Christ (Columbia University); Yevgeniy Dodis (NYU); Sam Gunn (UC Berkeley)

  • The 2-Token Theorem: Recognising History-Deterministic Parity Automata Efficiently
    Karoliina Lehtinen (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, LIS, Marseille, France); Aditya Prakash (University of Warwick, Coventry, UK)

  • Learning quantum states prepared by shallow circuits in polynomial time
    Zeph Landau (UC Berkeley); Yunchao Liu (Harvard University)

  • Light Tree Covers, Routing, and Path-Reporting Oracles via Spanning Tree Covers in Doubling Graphs
    Hsien-Chih Chang, Jonathan Conroy (Dartmouth College); Hung Le (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA); Shay Solomon (Tel Aviv University); Cuong Than (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

  • Improved PIR Schemes using Matching Vectors and Derivatives
    Fatemeh Ghasemi, Swastik Kopparty (University of Toronto); Madhu Sudan (Harvard)

  • Output-sensitive approximate counting via a measure-bounded hyperedge oracle, or: How asymmetry helps estimate k-clique counts faster
    Keren Censor-Hillel, Tomer Even (Technion); Virginia Vassilevska Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

  • A Generalized Trace Reconstruction Problem: Recovering a String of Probabilities
    Joey Rivkin (Stanford); Paul Valiant (Purdue University); Gregory Valiant (Stanford)

  • Global vs. s-t Vertex Connectivity Beyond Sequential: Almost-Perfect Reductions & Near-Optimal Separations
    Joakim Blikstad (KTH Royal Institute of Technology & CWI Amsterdam); Yonggang Jiang (Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland University); Sagnik Mukhopadhyay (University of Birmingham); Sorrachai Yingchareonthawornchai (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and ETH Zurich)

  • Adaptive Approximation Schemes for Matching Queues
    Alireza Amanihamedani (London Business School); Ali Aouad (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Amin Saberi (Stanford University)

  • Quantum fault tolerance with constant-space and logarithmic-time overheads
    Quynh T Nguyen (Harvard University); Christopher A Pattison (California Institute of Technology)

  • Quantum advantage from soft decoders
    Andre Chailloux (INRIA); Jean-Pierre Tillich (Inria)

  • Faster Distributed Δ-Coloring via Ruling Subgraphs
    Yann Bourreau, Sebastian Brandt, Alexandre Nolin (CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security)

  • Harmonic Decomposition in Data Sketches
    Dingyu Wang (the University of Michigan)