STOC 2002

The Thirty-Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), sponsored by SIGACT (the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory), will be held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 19- 2002.

STOC 2002 will be colocated with the IEEE conf on Computational Complexity to be held May 21-24, 2002.



Paper Submissions (Already Completed)

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers is now available in html, pdf, PostScript , plain text, Microsoft Word formats.

Instructions for Authors of Submitting Papers

If you wish to submit a STOC paper, please see the Instructions for Authors.

Simultaneous Submissions

According to SIGACT policy, abstract material which has been previously published in another conference proceedings or journal (or which is scheduled for publication prior to STOC) will not be considered for acceptance at STOC. In addition, SIGACT policy does not allow simultaneous submissions of the same (or essentially the same) abstract material to another conference with a published proceedings.

Electronic Submission

Information about electronic submission of papers is available here.

List of Accepted Papers

Instructions for Authors of Accepted Papers

Deadline for Accepted Papers: 5:59 pm EST February 20, 2002.

Instructions for Authors of Accepted Papers

Your submitted electronic manuscript should be printable by us on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. Proceedings templates are available online in Word, WordPerfect, FrameMaker and LaTex. and must be used. The ACM proceedings format specifications described here. Please adhere strictly to these specifications, or we may not be able to put your paper in the proceedings.


Please note: It is of particular importance that you leave sufficient space in the lower left corner of the first column on the first page to fill in the copyright information, which must be included in your paper. Do not use page numbers. Please contact Lisa Tolles-Efinger at Sheridan Printing  (Phone: 1-908-213-8988 for any issues concerning proceedings publication.


There is a 10-page maximum on your paper. If you wish to have additional pages, you may have up to 2 additional pages at a cost of $250 per page. Please make your check payable to the Sheridan Printing Company and send it with your copyright form to the Sheridan Printing Company (address below). If your electronically submitted paper exceeds 10 pages and by February 20 no check has arrived, your paper may not appear in the proceedings.


All accepted papers must be submitted in electronic form. The detailed instructions about electronic submission on the sigact server is available here. Also carefully read the Sheridan Printing Company’s additional instructions here.


LaTex users need to use type 1 fonts, for additional help see here.  All authors must insert the ACM copyright statement and conference information on the bottom/left of the first page. This is covered in the instructions here.


Electronic submission of accepted papers must be completed by 5:59 pm EST February 20, 2002 to be included in the final proceedings. Please note that there is a test print facility to determine if your paper is likely printable. (Authors whose submitted papers previously suffered printing problems are cautioned to test print their papers at a number of printers.)

Electronic Submission

All accepted papers must be submitted in electronic form. Detailed information about the process of electronic submission of accepted papers is available here. (Electronic submission of accepted papers should not be done before February 10, 2002.) Electronic submission of accepted papers may be done starting February 10, 2002 and must be completed by 5:59 pm EST February 20, 2002 to be included in the final proceedings.

Hard Copy Submission of Signed ACM Copyright Forms

The ACM Copyright Form is available online. The ACM copyright form must be signed. I caution you that ACM will not publish any paper that is not accompanied by a signed copyright form. In those cases where there is more than one author per paper, the first-named (assumed senior) author only must sign. Please note that the paper title must match exactly on the form and your submission, or ACM will demand a new signed form.


Please federal express or mail your signed hardcopy copyright form (and if needed, your check for additional pages, as described above) to:


Attention:STOC2002 Conference Proceedings

Sheridan Printing Company

1425 Third Avenue

Alpha, New Jersey, 08865-4695

(908) 454-0700


so that it is received by us by no later than February 20, 2002. Alternatively, you can fax the ACM copyright form to 1-908-454-2554.


Note: The deadline of 5:59 pm EST February 20, 2002 for electronic submission of accepted papers and February 20, 2002 for reception of hardcopy copyright forms are firm deadlines.

Best Student Paper Award

A prize of $500 is given to the author(s) of the best student-authored paper (or split between more than one paper if there is a tie). A paper is eligible if all of its authors are full-time students at the time of submission. This must be indicated in the submission cover letter or (for electronic submissions) the registration process. Information on past winners is available.

The STOC2002 best student award is being given to Tim Roughgarden.

Student Travel Awards

SIGACT supports student travel to STOC. For STOC 2002 a total of $10,000 of Student Travel Awards will be made. These awards are for needy students to help cover expenses related to attending STOC 2002. Preference will be given to students who are STOC authors. To apply send the following information to by March 15, 2002:

  1. Title of paper, if you are an author
  2. Will you be presenting the paper?
  3. A detailed expense list, in US dollars
  4. Other travel funds that are available to you
  5. (optional) Statement from your advisor on availability of funds

This information will be used to prioritize the awards. The awards will be announced shortly after the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

Registration Information

Registration information is not yet available.





Location information is not yet available.


Banquet information is not yet available.


Travel information is not yet available.

Program Committee

Conference Committee

Created by Ian Parberry, November 13, 2000.
Last updated Sun Aug 5 14:54:22 CDT 2001