Wheelchair Access to STOC 95

This document contains information on wheelchair access to STOC 95. Here is a very rough map of the area:

                                                 Koval Lane
       ||                                             |
       ||                                             |
       ||                                             |      ----> to UNLV
       --       MGM GRAND                             |
       ||                                             |
 ---|------|---o-------------------------------------------- Tropicana Ave
       ||             |             |        |        |
 EXC   --   TROPICANA | SAN REMO    |        |  MOTEL |
 ALI   ||   HOTEL     |  HOTEL      |        |  6     |
 BUR   ||             |             |        |        |
       ||             |             |        |        |
 HOTEL ||     IT      |             |        |        |
       ||             |             |        | COMFORT|
       ||             |             |  TRO   |  INN   |
       ||             |             |  PIC   |        |
       ||             |             |  ANA   |--------|
       ||             |             |        |        |
       ||             |             |  INN   |AIRPLANE|
       ||             |             |        |        |
       ||             |             |        |        |
 -----------------------------------------------------  - - - - -  Reno Ave
       ||            fence        Duke      fence
 LUXOR ||                         Ellington                   SCENIC
       ||     SHRINE                                         AIR TOURS
 HOTEL ||    (Catholic)                                    (Grand Canyon)
     Las Vegas Blvd
     (the "Strip")
Some alternative suggestions:
  1. Exit Motel 6, drive down the South side of Trop until you reach Duke Ellington, cross by using driveways, continue past lamp post, turn left into parking lot, proceed directly South to IT entrance. (This is longer by half a mile.)
  2. Exit Motel 6, drive down the West side of Koval, then North side of Reno until you reach Duke Ellington, cross by using driveways, turn right into Tropicana parking lot, proceed North to IT entrance. (This is even longer than 1.)
  3. Exit Motel 6, drive down the South side of Trop until you reach Duke Ellington, proceed South on Duke Ellington, crossing somewhere, then North side of Reno until you reach Tropicana parking lot, proceed North to IT entrance. (This is much longer than 1.)
  4. Stay at the MGM Grand or Excalibur and use the skywalks.
  5. Stay at the Tropicana.

Created by Ian Parberry, February 13, 1995 from plaintext information provided by Lawrence L. Larmore (larmore@cs.unlv.edu). Last updated Wed Feb 15 17:20:32 CST 1995.