Wheelchair Access to STOC 95
This document contains information on wheelchair access to
STOC 95.
Here is a very rough map of the area:
Koval Lane
|| |
|| |
|| | ----> to UNLV
|| |
---|------|---o-------------------------------------------- Tropicana Ave
|| | | | |
ALI || HOTEL | HOTEL | | 6 |
BUR || | | | |
|| | | | |
HOTEL || IT | | | |
|| | | | COMFORT|
|| | | TRO | INN |
|| | | PIC | |
|| | | ANA |--------|
|| | | | |
|| | | | |
|| | | | |
----------------------------------------------------- - - - - - Reno Ave
|| fence Duke fence
LUXOR || Ellington SCENIC
HOTEL || (Catholic) (Grand Canyon)
Las Vegas Blvd
(the "Strip")
Getting into the Convention is not a problem, providing you can get to the
Tropicana parking lot.
In the map, North is up.
The fences shown stretch from Tropicana Ave to Reno Ave.
Crossing either Tropicana Ave or Las Vegas Blvd by wheelchair is very
difficult because of heavy traffic, except on the skywalks, which are
equipped with elevators at each end. Skywalks are shown by lines across
those streets.
Duke Ellington Way has no through traffic. It has curb cuts on both sides
at the North end, but only on the East side at the South end. Thus, to
cross Duke Ellington at Reno, you must go in to the first driveway (not
far) cross the street, then up another driveway.
AIRPLANE is an old airplane permanently set up in that lot. It looks
like a neglected memorial.
IT marks the approximate location of the Island Tower wheelchair entrance.
The -----o----- is a lamp post barrier. You must go around it to
get to the entrance to the Tropicana Hotel parking lot. If your wheelchair
is no more than 28 inches wide, you can do it. If it is slightly wider,
there's a possibility, but it's not designed to be wheelchair-friendly.
The entire North side of the Tropicana parking lot from the East fence
to the driveway just West of the lamp post is protected by a hedge and a
curb. There is an opening wide enough for a wheelchair, but it's hopeless
because it has a curb.
There is substantial traffic on Koval and Reno, as many people take that
route to avoid the LV-Trop intersection.
Some alternative suggestions:
Exit Motel 6, drive down the South side of Trop until
you reach Duke Ellington, cross by using driveways, continue
past lamp post, turn left into parking lot, proceed directly
South to IT entrance. (This is longer by half a mile.)
Exit Motel 6, drive down the West side of Koval, then
North side of Reno until you reach Duke Ellington, cross by
using driveways, turn right into Tropicana parking lot, proceed
North to IT entrance. (This is even longer than 1.)
Exit Motel 6, drive down the South side of Trop until
you reach Duke Ellington, proceed South on Duke Ellington,
crossing somewhere, then North side of Reno until you reach
Tropicana parking lot, proceed North to IT entrance.
(This is much longer than 1.)
Stay at the MGM Grand or Excalibur and use the skywalks.
Stay at the Tropicana.
Created by
Ian Parberry,
February 13, 1995 from plaintext
information provided by Lawrence L. Larmore
Last updated
Wed Feb 15 17:20:32 CST 1995.