Student Travel Grants

Thanks to generous support from the National Science Foundation (NSF grant CCF-1319775) and from ACM SIGACT, which sponsors STOC 2013, there will be a total of $30,000 available to support student registration, travel, and accommodation for STOC 2013. The NSF awards are only available to those studying at U.S. institutions. ACM SIGACT support is not restricted to those at U.S. institutions. Receipts will be required for all travel awards. Reimbursements will be made after the conference.

These travel awards are for students who are short on funds and are intended to help cover their expenses. Hence preference will be given to students who do not have other sources of funding. An advisor may nominate at most two students for the travel award. To apply for a travel award, email the information listed below to: using the subject line: STOC 13 travel award by April 16, 2013.
Late applications will not be accepted. You should receive an email acknowledging your application within 3 weekdays. If not, please resubmit or contact William Gasarch by some other means. You will be notified about your status by April 22 which is prior to the STOC early registration deadline.

To apply you must

  • send an email with the items listed below, and
  • have your advisor send an email describing the availability of other travel funds. Vague statements such as ``funds are tight'' are not informative. This is very important. Your application is not complete without this letter.
  1. Your university, academic standing, academic interests, expected graduation date, expected degree, and advisor.
  2. Your estimated expenses in US dollars:
    1. A US dollar estimate of the airfare/transportion cost to the conference.
    2. The number of nights you will need hotel accommodation. Hotel expenses will be limited to half the cost of a hotel room per night at conference rates. Students are encouraged to share rooms.
    3. Whether you need support for your conference registration. Registration expenses will be limited to the student early registration fee.
    Food or visa expenses will not be reimbursed. It is expected that total reimbursement will be limited to $1000 for those from North America and $1500 for those from overseas.
  3. Other travel funds that are available to you.
  4. NSF and SIGACT encourage applications from members of underrepresented groups for these awards.
    (Optional:) Please indicate if you are a member of such a group, or are at an institution that is not typically represented at STOC.
  5. Indicate whether and when you have attended previous major theory conferences (e.g. STOC and FOCS).
  6. Indicate whether you have received a travel stipend to attend FOCS or STOC in the recent past. Here a "travel stipend" means either an award like this one or grant money.
  7. This year the Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC) is co-located with STOC. Are you also going to CCC?
  8. Are you also applying to CCC for travel support?
  9. Write a brief statement (no more than half a page) saying how you will benefit from attending the conference.