STOC 2005 Conference Registration



Conference Registration

Registration fees are as follows:
Early registration:
(on or before April 18)
Late registration:
(after April 18)
Members of ACM or an ACM SIG:

The registration fees include the proceedings, coffee breaks for the tutorial day, and breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunch for each of the STOC conference days. Also a social event ticket is included. Extra proceedings and lunch or social event tickets may be purchased at the registration page or on site.

Students, please bring your student ID or a photocopy of your student ID with you to the conference.

Click here to register for the conference.

The online registration method is the preferred method. However, if there are any problems with the online registration, a registration is also possible by filling out the following form and faxing it to Christian Scheideler, Johns Hopkins University, fax number 410-516-6134.

If there are any questions or problems with the registration, please contact

Travel Awards

Student Travel Awards:

SIGACT supports student travel to STOC.  For STOC 2005 a total of $10,000 of Student Travel Awards will be made.  These awards are for needy students to help cover expenses related to attending STOC 2005.  Preference will be given to students who are STOC authors.  To apply send the following information to by March 15, 2005:

  1. Title of paper, if you are an author
  2. Will you be presenting the paper?
  3. A detailed expense list, in US dollars
  4. Other travel funds that are available to you
  5. (optional) Statement from your advisor on availability of funds

This information will be used to prioritize the awards. The awards will be announced shortly after the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

Developing Country Travel Awards:

SIGACT supports travel of faculty and researchers from developing countries to STOC.  Developing Country Travel Awards will be made each year up to a total of $5,000.  These awards are for needy faculty and researchers to help cover expenses related to attending STOC.  Applicants should be STOC authors or co-authors, or be contributing to the conference in some other way.  To apply send the information outlined above in the Student Travel Award section under items 1 thought 4 (item 5 is not required) to by March 15, 2005.  If you are applying for a Developing Country Travel Award please explicitly mention in your application that you are applying for this award and not the regular award.  This award was begun in 2003 on a trial basis and may be discontinued.